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Marie Chapian Books

Audible, Kindle, Bookstores

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Quiet Prayer
Christian Meditation

Beloved, this is a time of great growth.

My Spirit is stretching you. You may wonder where I am in the events of your life, but I am right here. I am showing you how to understand and embrace My ways. Listen for My voice. I am continually speaking to you...

Love, Jesus

From the book, "Walking with Jesus"

"In the presence of the Lord we find ourselves wordless. We’re overcome. 

A magnitude of incomprehensible beauty surrounds us as all portals of heaven

resound with a brightness that reverberates with the magnificence of:         

Perfect love. Perfect peace. Perfect beauty. Perfect perfection. Perfect ecstasy.

Glory is now a word that speaks of mystery, for in God’s presence we’re groaning 

with the bliss of seeing the unseeable, knowing the unknowable, 

and caressing the breath of the unutterable.

He speaks. Here am I.

Our ears turn to trumpets, our hands to lighted cities, our feet become as ships lost at sea.

In His presence is fullness of joy  say the scriptures (see Psalm 16:11). 

I sink to my knees in the fire of His eyes as angels cover sky and earth . . .

Adapted from the Prologue to the book,

ANGELS IN OUR LIVES, by Marie Chapian:

Destiny Image Publishers.


The latest book by Marie to bring you much needed joy and inspiration. 100 powerful meditations, and nearly 1000 dynamic proclamations to transform your life.

Angels in our Lives

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Angels and How They Affect Your Life: Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about Angels and How They Affect Your Life

Making His Heart Glad

A HEART FOR GOD DEVOTIONAL God is described throughout Scripture as a Father who passionately loves people and wants their love in return. The Creator of the universe is so infinitely personal that His creation His children can bring joy or sadness to His heart.

Harold and I

An incredible journey, consisting of supernatural events. Harold and I is the first of a series of books for young readers (age 8-13) with stories of young people who are visited by angels and are taken on heavenly journeys, and how these affect and change them, as well as the world around them.

The Other Side of Suffering

The untold story of how John Ramsey survived unspeakable tragedy and learned to hope again. Like the biblical Job, John Ramsey had it all-wealthy, social position, a loving family. And like Job, Ramsey was destined for great affliction, as many of the most precious things in his life were cruelly taken from him.

The Emancipation of Robert Sadler

The Powerful True Story of a Twentieth-Century Plantation Slave. Over fifty years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Robert Sadler was sold into slavery at the age of five--by his own father. This is the no-holds-barred tale of those dark days, his quest for freedom, and the determination to serve others born out of his experience. It is a story of good triumphing over evil, of God's grace, and of an extraordinary life of ministry.

Of Whom the World was not Worthy

In the midst of this living hell, Jakob, Jozeca and other believers clung to God and prayed for both friend and foe. The enemies of their beloved homeland could burn their cities and towns, but they could not destroy their souls or quench their indomitable spirits. Marie Chapian went to Yugoslavia and interviewed peasants, gypsies, factory workers, doctors, laborers, and officials of the Communist party. She wanted to know how the Christians' faith was sustained through terrible years of war.

Telling Yourself the Truth

Find Your Way Out of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger, and Other Common Problems by Applying the Principles of Misbelief Therapy

More. . .


Quiet Prayer, the Hidden Purpose and Power of Christian Meditation
(Baker Publishers 2019)

Quiet Prayer, 31 Days of Meditation for Women
(Broadstreet Publishers 2022)


Christian Living:

Telling Yourself the Truth with William Backus, Ph.D.

(Bethany House) Gold Book winner

Love and Be Loved (Fleming Revell)

Why Do I Do What I Don't Want To Do? with William Backus, Ph.D,

(Bethanv House)

Growing Closer (Fleming Revell) retitled

Close Friendships: Making Them, Keeping Them (Fleming Revell)

Mothers and Daughters (Bethany House)

Staying Happy In An Unhappy World (Fleming Revell and Bantam)

Edited and undated and released 2016



Heart for God - Series of five books of Biblical poetry (Bethany House)

His thoughts toward Me


Discovering Joy

Making HIS Heart Glad

The Secret Place of Strength

Talk to Me, Jesus,

Talk to Me Jesus Day Book

Talk to Me Jesus

Walking With Jesus

(Broadstreet) 2014. -2022

A Confident. Dvnamic You (Servant Publications'

Gods meant for you Bethany House)

Angels in Our Lives (Destiny Image) 2006

God in the Mirror contributor with Miles McPherson (Baker) 2012


Children's Books:

Mustard Seed Library: Three Illustrated Books for Young Readers (Creation House)

Slimming Down and Growing Up A book on healthy eating for children based on the Free to Be Thin Plan. (Bethany House)

Alula -Belle ButtonTop Paint Brush Soft Shoe Pucheeni Magrew: Books for young readers with illustrations by the author. (Bethany House)

2006: Harold and I, an Incredible Journey Consisting of Supernatural Events, illustrations by the author. (Destiny Image)


Books for Teens:

Am I the Only One Here With Faded Genes? (Bethany House) Gold Medallion winner

Feeling Small, Walking Tall (Bethany House) continued



The Emancipation of Robert Sadler (Successful Living) retitled

Help Me Remember, Help Me Forget (Bethany House; Successful Living)

In the Morning of My Life /Tom Netherton (Tyndale House)

Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy Yugoslav WW2 story (Bethany House)

Escape From Rage /pastor of Jesus People movement story (Bridge Publishers)

Forgive Me /Cathy Crowell Webb (Fleming Revell; Berkeley Publishers)

Back On Course /Gavin MacLeod (Fleming Revell

The Other side of Suffering with John Ramsey(Faithworks) 2012

The Emancipation of Robert Sadler (reprint) 2012


Health and Fitness:

Free to Be Thin (Bethanv House)

The All New Free tо be thin (Bethany House)

There's More to Being Thin Than Being Thin (Bethany House)

Fun to Be Fit Photo-Illustrated Workout & Health Plan
 (Fleming Revell)

Fun To Be Fit Video 60 - Minute Workout with the author

(Video Associates, Bridgestone Productions)

Understanding Yourself -Featured Column: 

Total Health Magazine



City Psalms (Moody Press)

Mind Things (Creation House)



I Love You Like a Tomato (Forge Books, July, 2003)

Under the name, Marie Giordano
Pulitzer Prize and National Book Prize nominated

An Ordinary Day in Heaven (to come)

Born Blu (to come)


To My Friend Books:

Illustrated series of 12 gift books (Successful Living)

Slow Dance on Stilts (La Jolla Poets Press)

Copyright 2014-2023 Marie Chapian | All Rights Reserved | Copyrighted material may not be used without the express permission of the copyright owner.

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