What We’re Up To

Marie Chapian’s Work Contemplative: Quiet Prayer, the Hidden Purpose and Power of Christian Meditation (Baker Publishers 2019 Quiet Prayer, 31 Days of Meditation for Women Broadstreet Publishers 2022) Fiction: I Love You Like a Tomato (Forge Books, July, 2003) Pulitzer Prize and National Book Prize nominated An Urainary Day in Heaven to come) born Blu to come Christian Living: Telling Yourself the Truth with William Backus, Ph.D. (Bethany House) Gold Book winner Love and Be Loved (Fleming Revell) Why Do I Do What I Don't Want To Do? with William Backus, Ph.D, (Bethanv House) Growing Closer (Fleming Revell) retitled Close Friendships: Making Them, Keeping Them (Fleming Revell) Mothers and Daughters (Bethany House) Staying Happy In An Unhappy World (Fleming Revell and Bantam) Edited and undated and released 2016 Devotionals: Heart for God - Series of five books of Biblical poetry (Bethany House) His thoughts toward Me HIS GITTS O Me Discovering Joy Making HIS Heart Glad The Secret Place of Strength Talk to Me, Jesus, Talk to Me Jesus Day Book Talk to Me Jesus Walking With Jesus devotional oooks or poetic meditations, (Broadstreet) 2014. -2022 A Confident. Dvnamic You (Servant Publications' Gods meant ror you Bethany House) October zuus Angels in Our Lives (Destiny Image) 2006 God in the Mirror contributor with Miles McPherson (Baker) 2012 Children's Books Mustard Seed Library: Three Illustrated Books for Young Readers (Creation House) Slimming Down and Growing Up A book on healthy eating for children based on the Free to Be Thin Plan. (Bethany House) Alula -Belle ButtonTop Paint Brush Soft Shoe Pucheeni Magrew: Books for young readers with illustrations by the author. (Bethany House) 2006: Harold and I, an Incredible Journey Consisting of Supernatural Events, illustrations by the author. (Destiny Image) Books for Teens: Am I the Only One Here With Faded Genes? (Bethany House) Gold Medallion winner Feeling Small, Walking Tall (Bethany House) continued Biograpnies: The Emancipation of Robert Sadler (Successful Living) retitled Help Me Remember, Help Me Forget (Bethany House; Successful Living) In the Morning of My Life /Tom Netherton (Tyndale House) Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy Yugoslav WW2 story (Bethany House) Escape From Rage /pastor of Jesus People movement story (Bridge Publishers) Forgive Me /Cathy Crowell Webb (Fleming Revell; Berkeley Publishers) Back On Course /Gavin MacLeod (Fleming Revell The Other side of Suffering with John Ramsey(Faithworks) 2012 The Emancipation of Robert Sadler (reprint) 2012 Health and Fitness: Free to Be Thin (Bethanv House) The AlL New Free о be Iin bethany House) There's More to Being Thin Than Being Thin (Bethany House) Fun to Be Fit Photo-Illustrated Workout & Health Plan
(Fleming Revell) Fun To Be Fit Video 60 - Minute Workout with the author
(Video Associates, Bridgestone Productions) Understanding Yourself - Featured Column: Total Health Magazine POETRY: (Books) City Psalms (Moody Press) Mind Things (Creation House) To My Friend Books: Illustrated series of 12 gift books (Successful Living) Slow Dance on Stilts (La Jolla Poets Press) Partial List of Awards: The Gold Medallion (EPA); The Gold Book Award from EPA; the Cornerstone Book of the Year Award, Campus Life; three Angel awards for Excellence in the Media; the Chicago Book of the Year Award; Ray Bradbury award for poetry from California State University Writer's Conference; a nomination for the Ten Most Outstanding Young Women of America award, and invitations into Who's Who in America andWho's Who of American Women. The National Writers Union award; the California State Poetry Society Awards; recipient of AAUW Educational Foundation grant (1995-96), New Letters Literary Award; Spoon River Anthology Award; two grants in 1997 from Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Dept. Playwriting Development Program at Los Angeles Theatre Centre; Writer's Residency Grant, Vermont Studio Center (1998); Milton Center, Glen Eyrie Writer's Grant (1998); Potato Eyes Foundation Poetry Award short list (2000), San Diego Book Award 2001, 2002 Best Book of Year, Award of Excellence in Poetry, National Book Award nomination 2004; Pulitzer Prize nomination 2004, Pushcart Prize 2005. Sons of Italy National Book Club winner, 2006 (*I Love You Like a Tomato") and Book Sense Pick. 2022 EPCA Bronze Award for 100,000 copies of "Talk to Me Jesus" sold.